Muhammad Nanang Choiruddin
research is conducted to examine the influence of asset structure
variable, size, profitability, liquidity, dividend payout ratio
influence capital structure in the consumer goods industry sector
company which has recorded in Indonesian security exchange (IDX) on
2008–2012 period. This research uses dependent variable capital
structure, independent variable is asset structure, size, profitability,
liquidity, devidend payout ratio. The sample is 29 consumer goods
industry sector company. The result of F test, the research in consumer
goods industry sector company in Indonesia show that all independent
variables to capital stucture is significant. The analysis result of
t-test, show that asset structure variable, size, profitability and
liquidity to capital stucture are negative significant. Devidend payout
ratio to capital structure is not significant. This result explains that
the change of capital structure in the consumer goods industry sector
company is not influenced by devidend payout ratio. For continued
research is suggested used type sample of another company which has not
been observed with wider scope of research which has more population
with longer period and should give additional of the number of variable
which influence capital structure.
capital structure; asset structure; size; profitability; liquidity; devidend payout ratio;
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